Everything was great until one of the nurses noticed that his heart rate was elevated, and that the pulse in his legs was very faint. She pointed this out to our pediatrician (thankfully he has an extensive background in cardiology), ran a few tests, and called in a pediatric cardiologist. This all happened the morning of the 2nd. Patrick was on his way back to the hospital, and my Mom was with me. When he walked in, he knew something was wrong. I was near hysterical, and couldn't really talk. They hadn't told us much at that point, just enough to get me pretty scared. Once the cardiologist and pediatrician came in and talked to us, we had more information, but were still in shock. They were going to transfer him to a bigger hospital, and I needed get hold of my doctor to get discharged. They had just taken chest x-rays of me for all the coughing. I convinced them to let me go, and we went to Methodist Hospital's NICU. They took him by ambulance, and was already hooked up to so many things...
We talked to the surgeon, and finally got a little relief. As far as heart conditions go, this was a relatively simple procedure and he had done the same procedure a couple of times in the past weeks. He was the most competent man I have ever met, and felt reassured that Logan was in good hands. Here are some pre-operating pictures. Because of all the wires, they only let me hold him right before he went in for surgery. This was day five, April 4th.