Saturday, January 24, 2009


Tony is the only kid I know that loves to rinse his hair during bath time. He will continuously pour the cup over his head while laughing. Hilarious...


Logan is finally starting to feel better. He had a fever most of the week, but by Friday he finally was starting to smile again. Thank goodness!

This is a picture of Logan and Uncle Mark. Mark is Patrick's best friend and roommate from college. He was in Houston on an interview, and made a trip to SA to see us. Both of the boys absolutely love him. It was great to spend a little time with him. Hopefully he wasn't bored to tears with our 'oh so exciting' lives!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ear Infection

Logan started running a fever Monday morning, so I decided to take him into the doctor. With all of his heart problems, it is better safe than sorry...

He has a really bad ear infection in one, and he said that the other was about three days behind. The doctor let me look through the scope, and it was scarlet red.

His fever just kept going up, so I stayed home on Tuesday with him. Even after four doses of antibiotic, he still has a fever. Like clockwork, every four hours he alternates between Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Today is Wednesday, and he is still having fever and is very clingy. My poor little LoLo...

This picture just about says it all. You can see it in his eyes...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Meeting more family

Unfortunately we still don't have a new camera yet, so no new pictures...

Tony and Logan both met their great Aunt Jane this weekend. She lives in Kansas City, and made a special trip to Texas to meet our new additions to the family. It was a short visit, but by the end Logan had definitely warmed up to her and they got some quality time together.

The boys are doing great. Tony is warming up to the idea of using the potty at home. Logan is finding creative ways to move around.

Two more weeks, and we will be into our new house. We are really excited, and definitely ready to put some roots down.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Our camera has officially died, but we are going to go get a new one this weekend!

The biggest news is that Tony took his first poo poo in the potty about a week ago. It was very exciting. I never thought that I would be so excited about poop, but I am! I was so proud that I called Miss Candy, the wonderful lady that takes care of him and Logan, to tell her the good news. For some reason Tony has a strong adversion to going potty at home, and only going at Miss Candy's house. So the potty adventure continues...

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today is Tony's second birthday! We will go out and celebrate for lunch, but we had his birthday party last Sunday so that my sister and Tony's great grandpa could celebrate with us. I was really surprised at the turn-out. It is so meaningful to have so much family that cares.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009...where does time go? Logan and Tony are both getting so big. What happened to my babies??? Logan can maneuver his way to his knees, and it won't be long till he can pull himself completely up. The other day Tony and Logan both wanted the same toy, and were having a tug-of-war with it. Tony was the first to give in(my little pacifist) and Logan happily gummed his victory toy!